Had a wonderful time contributing two pieces to Hellraiser: Anthology Vol. II. As a die-hard fan of Clive Barker's work since 1989, it was a dream fulfilled.
Copies available at realclivebarker.com
Halfway The Straw Man Rebellion., my first novel.
This one has all my favorite things: historical setting, crows, scarecrows (of a particular sort), witches, dark magic, men of dubious character, and a sympathetic villain.
I certainly hope to spin this into feature film.
A subversive, humorous take on the afterlife, Purgatory Sucks follows minor league hockey player, Timothy "Red" Sexton, who died of a cocaine overdose, as he tries to escape the vast prison complex of Purgatory in order to set some wrongs right back on earth.
Only problem: he must travel through Hell to get there.
I'm hard at work compiling the stories for Seaside Attractions, which I plan to release as my second story collection. They all take place along various coastlines, some known, most imaginary, but all home to strange and nightmarish events.
Stay tuned.
My writing and producing partners, Eric Rucker and Scott Nelson, are at it again, developing a sci-fi/action/comedy series set in a 1980's post-apocalyptic world.
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